Cakes & Baking

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

12 Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

12 Muffins

This pumpkin spice cupcake recipe has been whipped up by @into.trends using our Easy Prep Pro. Help tackle food waste this season, use up leftover pumpkins from halloween and turn them into something delicious!



  • 240g Self-Raising Flour OR 240g All-Purpose Flour + 2 tsp Baking Powder 
  • ½ tsp Salt 
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • ¼  tsp ground ginger
  • ⅛ tsp ground cloves
  • 120g Pumpkin puree (Homemade) 
  • 125ml milk 
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract 
  • 120g Packed brown sugar 
  • 120g Granulated sugar 
  • 60g butter, room temperature or softened 
  • 3 Large eggs, room temperature, lightly beaten 


  • 175g Butter, room temperature
  • ½ tsp Vanilla extract 
  • 3 tbsp Milk 
  • 350g Icing sugar, sifted 
  • 3 tbsp cinnamon   


  • 3 tbsp of sugar
  • 10 chopped pecan nuts


  1. Cut a medium sized pumpkin into 2 and clean the inside of one half. Place the clean half on the tray and cover with foil.
  2. Set the oven for 180⁰C and cook for about 40 minutes until soft and easy to mash. Keep an eye on it as it may take a little less or more time. 
  3. Leave to cool, remove the flesh of the pumpkin and place in the Easy Prep Pro to make a purée. This is done using the small bowl and small blade on a pulse speed, this makes the purée perfectly smooth and ready to use in 3 seconds.
  4. In a medium bowl, combine the dry ingredients: self-raising flour (or flour plus baking powder), salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves then set aside.
  5. In a separate bowl combine the pumpkin purée, milk and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth and set aside.
  6. Next using the large bowl and blade of Cuisinart Easy Prep Pro, pulse together the brown sugar, granulated sugar and butter. Then add the three eggs one at a time, blending between each addition.
  7. Finally, add the pumpkin mix into the large Easy Prep Pro bowl and then the dry ingredients.
  8. A few quick blends on pulse speed again and the batter is ready.
  9. Prepare your cupcake tin with liners in each hole and preheat the oven to 180⁰C.
  10.  Using an ice cream scoop or a spoon, add the pumpkin spice cupcake batter to the liners. Make sure they are filled ¾ of the way.
  11.  Bake for about 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Repeat this for the second dozen.


  1. While the pumpkin spice cupcakes are in the oven start the cinnamon icing (The Cuisinart Easy Prep Pro works well for this). Combine the butter, vanilla, icing sugar, milk and cinnamon and mix well till smooth and even colour.
  2. Leave the cupcakes to cool down first, then use a piping bag and nozzle for decorating.

Tip: Keep the cupcakes in the fridge because butter and cream has been used. This will keep a better shape and it won’t melt as quick.

Anything can be used, chopped pecan nuts, cinnamon, pumpkin spice, sprinkles or any Halloween themed decorations are all great recommendations. We chose to add sugar pecan crumble to add a bit of texture to the creamy icing. 

  1. Add sugar to a pan.
  2. Let it melt and brown on a slow heat.
  3. Once runny add the pecans, mix well and quickly place on a sheet of baking paper on a heatproof surface. 
  4. Let it cool for 3 min. Break in pieces and add to Easy Prep Pro using the small bowl and on a pulse speed.
  5. Top the cupcakes with the crumble and keep in the fridge till ready to eat